Step One: Identify the Different Tasks
The Different Types of Task One in the IELTS Writing Exam
one of the IELTS writing exam can be separated into two key types.
Static tasks, which are tasks that have only one time period; and change
over time tasks, which have two or more different time periods. Then,
task one of the IELTS writing exam includes different types of charts,
which should all be looked at to be well prepared. The most common ones
are: tables, pie charts, bar charts, line graphs, process diagrams, and
maps. Finally, with task one of the IELTS writing exam, you need to use
different types of language depending on whether the task consists of
numbers, percentages, or steps in a process. Therefore, there are three
key dimensions of task one of the IELTS writing exam:
1. static or change over time
2. type of chart
3. numbers or percentages
Identify the Different Types of Task TWO in the IELTS Writing Exam
task two of the IELTS writing exam the two key elements are the TOPIC
and the TASK. In theory, the topic could be almost anything. Although
many topics are on the following subjects: education, crime, society,
media, transportation, environment, and technology. In addition, many of
the past topics seem to be recycled, so if we look at many of the past
topics that have come up in the exam, we have a reasonable chance that
we will have thought about that particular topic.
Next comes the
TASK. I have identified that the task is almost always one of the
following three tasks: an argumentative essay, a both sides and opinion
essay, or a two question essay. I have talked about these three essays
at length on my website. I have observed that about 30% of candidates on
any given exam day seem to fail to either understand the topic or
identify the task. In this case many people are failing, not because of
their English ability, but because of their poor IELTS ability, or
ability to know how to respond to questions in the exam. Note that not
only your task score will be lower if you don't respond closely to the
task, it tends to affect everything. For instance, you might use a lot
of academic vocabulary, but if it is off-topic you won't get the full
value for it.
Step Two: Read Lots of Samples for Each of the Different Tasks
samples of different IELTS tasks can help you appreciate the
differences between each type of task as well as help you learn the
language and structure that is required for each particular task. Not
every sample will be an accurate response to the task, even if it is
written by a native English user; so a little caution is needed. The key
point is to read lots of different samples and learn from them. To read
samples go to my website and click on the links under Task 1: academic
report writing and Task 2: essay writing.
If you would like to
practice your essay planning please join my blog or Facebook page, you
can see the addresses for these in my author's PROFILE.
Step Three: Learn How to Structure your Report or Essay for Each of the Different Tasks
your tasks well is important to score well on one of the four key
grading criteria Coherence and Cohesion. In addition, it also helps you
score well on the other three grading criteria. Your Task Response score
is enhanced because it is easier for the examiner to assess whether you
have responded to the task and topic if you have structured your ideas
logically. In addition, errors with vocabulary and grammar may be less
serious if the examiner already knows your key point and therefore can
guess what you mean, despite their being an error with language. In
other words errors are more serious when the examiner is lost and has no
understanding of what you are saying.
You can view the structure of the three main types of task two essays on my website.
Step Four: Practice Writing Each of the Different Tasks
order to fully appreciate the different types of tasks in the IELTS
writing exam you should practice writing as many different types as you
can. This will help you remember the structure and language that you
need to complete these tasks, help you improve your writing in general,
and also alert you to any areas of uncertainty for completing the task.
To illustrate this last point, imagine you are writing an argumentative
essay and then you realize you don't know how to write the last
paragraph. In this case you could read same samples or models and see
how other authors completed these essays. In this case we should
summarise our main arguments and then give our final opinion. We should
also send a signal to the examiner that we are summarising our main
arguments by starting the paragraph with words such as "In summary" or
"In conclusion."