Using an Essay Outline to get an A on Your Next Paper

Imagine this; you are the project manager about to build the most elegant house, would you build a house out of scratch, without a foundation or even a blueprint? Likewise, with all essays a good writer has an outline. It's like the foundation of a building, an essay outline is your guide during the process of your writing. It provides you with a sense of direction and where bits and pieces go on your academic research paper or essay.
Having an outline allows you to know exactly what to do, what to research, what to analyze, what more to brainstorm. Especially in academic writing, what's the use of writing the entire paper only to realize that your professor has not even approved of your topic and or outline? Plan well in advance, you should have an organized essay outline and seek some sort of approval from your professor before beginning your essay. Having an approved outline saves you time without having to only realize later, after free-writing the essay, that your professor does not even see enough paragraphs, progression of your logic, examples and supporting evidence.
So instead of trying to insert major changes into your essay, it's best to start with an outline as a substitute to adding a thicker foundation to a building that's poorly built. The outline allows you to figure out what questions you have in regards to your topic. By doing so it enables you to start with a much more solid foundation.
Keep your outline brief, saving the details for your final paper. The titles, headings, and points in your outline should be no more than a few lines each. Keep in mind that you are only figuring out what you are going to write and not writing your entire paper.
On an Outline your goal is to:
Describe the point of each paragraph.
Figure out how to structure your essay.
Phrase the main points and arguments.
Seek approval from your professors.
If the argument of a paragraph is about how yield management should be used because it can maximize revenue in a hotel, don't just write "yield management" it's too brief and vague. Instead, try "Using Yield Management to Effectively Maximize Revenue in Travel and Tourism Organizations" This description is still brief, but it offers your readers what the content is about in regards to your subject.